School of Happiness

School of Happiness


(91) 9 31 26 05 17 9

House # 363, Pocket E, Mayur Vihar - 2, Delhi, India - 110091

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About School of Happiness in House # 363, Pocket E, Mayur Vihar - 2, Delhi

In run for mundane you lost the Bliss of Life,
when Relaxation is hard and Peace you cannot find;
why carry life as an obligation,
and crave for your deserved Celebration ?

Cheer' is a school that sustains your Happiness in the hassle of life by empowering your Wisdom. She lets you rebirth & helps you realize Esteem, strengthens your Confidence and sharpens your Imagination. She instigates your Passions by encouraging your own Belief and by letting you be Original, she reduces your Stress and maximizes utilization of your Abilities.

Cheer' Satisfies you. She brings in you Peace and the Sanity to approve your own Success. She teaches you to create consummate Relationships. She reduces your Inhibitions and ushers your Leader.

This platform equips you to Judge your Environment and Create methods to Evolve it based on your own Nature. It identifies Harmony within yourself and Organizes your Vision to enable you to take your Ownership.

Using Meditation, Dance, Argument & Trance, students elevate to super-conscious where they Create Reality from Imagination. They thus become Masters of their own Joy.

Following is the Agenda for this Platform - Discovering Wisdom

Judgment: Observation, Viewpoint, Discretion
Moral: Empathy, Sacrifice, Responsibility, Value
Creation: Need, Want, Desire, Imagination, Beauty
Achievement: Ambition, Satisfaction, Belonging, Experience, Fulfillment, Perseverance, Patience
Dignity: Conduct, Communication, Fashion, Articulation
Purpose: Time, Goal, Horizon, Path, Joy, Vision, Clarity
Pain: Fear, Regret, Apprehension, Inhibition; Disease: Contempt, Jealousy,
Harmony: Camaraderie, Contribution, Support, Collaboration

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