Metaphors For Change

Metaphors For Change

612 0 Nonprofit Organization


East Point Colony, Visakhapatnam, India - 530017

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About Metaphors For Change in East Point Colony, Visakhapatnam

Metaphors for change
A non-profit organization for social cause
‘To stop, correct, and bring a change’

Huge dreams do not always sprout up from dramatic flashbacks. They might just build up from tiny moments in life which pass off without much notice. When I look back today, I see bundles of moments all my life where a politician’s news bite, a corrupt cop, a stupid question paper at an exam, an 8 year old beggar at the beach, and a college stud breaking the traffic signal have always disturbed me quite a bit for the rest of the day. And when I look around, I see lots of people feeling the same. The minute I have connected all the dots of social responsibility that I feel, the frustration, wanting to bring a change, and knowing that there a huge group of people around feeling the same, I saw the image all together as ‘Metaphors for change’.
I today, grew up from searching for a platform and time to spare for getting myself to do my bit towards bringing a change, to creating a platform myself and to realize that right time is always ‘right now’ in the form of Metaphors for change. Tonight, I want to dream bigger. I want to see this platform filled with people. People from different walks of life, who have wacky dreams of their own, people who are perfect, people who are smart but dint care to be perfect, the hot blooded rebels and the laid back beer sippers. I want to see them all walking together for a single simple motive: ‘When we see something going wrong around us, we wouldn’t pass by, we would stop and correct’. From corruption, child labor, traffic rule violation, to lack of education for unprivileged children, there are countless issues incubating all around. If not a Dandi march or revolutionary Satyagraha, I would want to stop bribing the cop when I am caught without license, or not drive without a license, save a child when spotted being abused, provide education to the needy children, stopping a smoker from smoking in a non-smoking area, or simply play cricket with the kids with no families.
When I get carried away with my crazy life loaded with issues, work, fun and lazy naps, Metaphors for change would be my alarm to tick me and push me beyond mere ‘me’ and ‘myself’. I might just fail. Metaphors for change might not succeed in bringing the change it wants to. But what differentiates just me and me as a part of Metaphors for change is that I would try. I wouldn’t sit and discuss India’s plight over a cup of coffee. I would be out there to try my bit to do something about it. With zero expectations of outcome and lots of passion, I today begin ‘Metaphors for change’ – an organization for social cause; to ‘stop, correct, and bring a change’.

17Th May,2011.
Bindu Dendukuri,
Metaphors for change.

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