Support for conversion of It-Bhu to IIT

Support for conversion of It-Bhu to IIT

516 0 Community Organization


IT BHU Varanasi, Varanasi, India - 221005

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About Support for conversion of It-Bhu to IIT in IT BHU Varanasi, Varanasi

Do you know government spends 60 lakh for every iitan and even hesitates to give 6 lakh for you?
Do you know the IITs enjoy 150 crore annual budget each year and your institute have to manage all its activities round the year in just 15 crores, do you know in the global markets they are thought to be far more intelligent and superior then you?
Do you know they will get admissions worldwide just because the IIT tag and even if you are more capable you will surely be denied?

But believe me they are just like you on every scale but enjoying far better standards then you in every aspect of life at every step right from accessing ten times higher Internet speeds to ten times higher salaries.


There is no doubt in the fact that we all love our institute IT-BHU so much that things like its inclusion in IITs or not seems to be tiny before it, but unfortunately laws are made such that until one more I is included in its name it will not be getting benchmark in its development and just think

'Jab hamari 15 crore me unke sath rank hai toh 150 crore milne ke baad hum kaha honge'

We deserve to enjoy these standards but we are not getting it only due to the dirty politics of protesting opposition which is being played by our political leaders and knowingly or unknowingly in this game they are also playing with our lives and careers but mind it at the end of the day we should not be the victims at any cost in their dirty game ,so enough is enough we want IIT and we want it now.

You can be called iitan for your entire life,you can be the part of the institutes of national importance ,you can be the engineer which the world demands,you can be the organizers of the biggest fest of Asia which attracts people round the globe and only you can be the real cause of this change,yes you can by your single step you take today because the right time has come to do something to act in someway to show your supports,you must show your zeal and raise your voice so high in the sky that even the leaders sitting in the parliament realise that this bill has far more importance then their thoughts and messing it in their dirty games of politics will cost themselves times more than any one of them would have ever imagined,
so stand up where you are come ahead and join the movement and get yourself registered in the history once and for ever and set the platform of IIT for you and for thousands of others coming tomorrow.......

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