Sanchi Bags

Sanchi Bags



, Trivandrum, India - 695581

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About Sanchi Bags in , Trivandrum

Ecological foot print is something every human should consider, before doing any action. “can I do things in a different way so that my mother earth is less impacted?”, this question should be asked by each one to themselves while structuring their daily lives. Even if the impact is very less compared to a social action, individual actions can also trigger large changes. Our life’s are full of non –degradable/ non-recyclable materials starting from the plastic straw used to sip a soft drink to plastic carry bags which is used to carry home various grocery items. All invariably end up as landfills or burned to cause toxic gases. There are people who consciously avoid hurting environment by replacing accessories with ecofriendly one’s. Sanchi bags, an eco start up from a technopark employee is such an attempt to encourage youth to switch from non ecofriendly stuff to “go green” stuff.

Sanchi bag has wide range of bags for daily lives, which are produced with cotton and paper and is available in different sizes and mind boggling colours. 99.9 percentage of material in Sanchi bags are recyclable or bio degradable. Laptop bag, Tablet bag, Daily utility bag you name it, Sanchi bag has it. Manufacturing of bags is also very unique as it is produced from suburbs of Thiruvananthapuram enabling rural women to get regular employment while being at their own homes. It actually questions very idea of manufacturing things in “cheap labor” locations. Cotton used is also sourced from as near as possible resulting in low travel foot print. We at Zanchi bags are sure that this humble initiative will inspire more people to do green innovations , For Example : it will be very satisfying to see an alternate to plastic straw from technopark!!

Sanchi Bags are priced minimally without profit motive,so that people can take their “go green” decision faster.Our bags are high in fashion quotient and in nature quotient !.Already there are many in technopark and nearbye areas flaunting sanchi bags. Many nature lovers and media are extending their support. do definitely consider buying a Sanchi Bag and do spread the message.

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