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About Sai Brain Gym in Kachauri Gali, Patna City, Patna, Bihar, Patna

The SIP Abacus programme uses three tools to impact children - Abacus, Brain Gym and Speed Writing. The programme helps children to enjoy numbers, develop their mental skills of concentration, visual memory, listening and builds their self- confidence. The programme incorporates a lot of fun through games & puzzles.
With the fear of math out of their way, children surprisingly begin to enjoy numbers. Additionally, Brain Gym Exercises help the children to relax and energize the brain to do new tasks. Children improve their ability to learn, do their school-work faster and hence have more free time to pursue their passion. This explains Lalitha’s testimonial above.
The SIP Abacus programme is a Malaysian-based company founded in 1997 by Mr Kelvin Tham to meet the challenging demands of today’s young generation. It is a skill development programme for children of the age group 7 – 12 years which focuses on improving essential learning skills.
The SIP Abacus programme is an international programme that is currently available in 12 countries and has benefited more than 5,00,000 children across 900 learning centres. In India, this program was initiated in August 2003.

Benefit of SIP Abacus is not just Maths… but much more… Regular practice of abacus, brain gym and speed writing helps children.
Improve in academics – through Improved Concentration, Improved Listening, Better Retention & Recall, visual memory, Enhanced Logical reasoning, Improved Numerical ability, Better Speed & Accuracy, Higher Self Confidence of computing skill
Enjoy the fun of learning and reduce stress
Feel and act more confident
Grasp faster and are more attentive
Improve their numerical ability
Learn to compete and win

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