Indiability Foundation

Indiability Foundation


+91 (0)9871 568 174

81 Virendra Nagar C Sector Mandore Road Jodhpur, Jodhpur City, India - 342 304

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About Indiability Foundation in 81 Virendra Nagar C Sector Mandore Road Jodhpur, Jodhpur City

We have been working in the field of Physical Disability at the grass roots level with our sister organisation Sucheta Kriplani Shiksha Niketan, lovingly known as SKSN, for 20 years. Initially Education was seen as the key to ensuring children with physical disabilities in rural India would have a chance of being independent, even, dare I say, successful.

But as the children started to graduate, jobs did not become immediately accessible and many returned to the schools confines to continue leading some form of dignified life. What became clear is without tackling the root of the problem, discrimination, nothing real could be achieved. Education was merely a bad aid. We set up IMAGE, now in its 10th year and our flagship project to use Sport as a medium to have generational change in the attitudes mainstream society had towards the physically disabled.

About a few years ago, we realised we needed to establish our own brand to be able to do more for social inclusion and Indiability Foundation was born.

The name for us is so meaningful, in the early interactions of the IMAGE sports clubs we saw how the definition of ability was being analysed, reinterpreted, digested and finally understood by both the disabled and able bodied. We realised being able is a state of mind and want India to embrace its full diversity of ability.

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