Kangen WATER Therapy

Kangen WATER Therapy


+91 9312323827

2nd-D-121, Kamna, Vaishali, Sector-2, Ghaziabad, India - 201010

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About Kangen WATER Therapy in 2nd-D-121, Kamna, Vaishali, Sector-2, Ghaziabad

What is Kangen Water ?
In Japanese, the word Kangen means ''return to origin''. If ever there was a kind of water that come close to that promise, it is Kangen Water. It may be the nearest thingwe ever find to the proverbial ''fountain of youth''

Kangen Water is created from a device manufactured by Enagic Corporation. This device transforms ordinary tap water and through an electrolysis process that restructures and ''micro-clusters'' your water. This process enables the water to penetrate human and animal cells, in the same way as energized water found in nature. Enagic's SD501 unit also ionizes water making it electron or ''energy'' rich and split the water into acid and alkaline states.

The electrolyzed, energized and ionized waters do not maintain their special properties indefinitely. This drinking water is most effective drunk fresh from the unit, but remains effective from the initial pour up to 48 hours lateer. 2.5 and 11.5pH waters last longer, up to 2 weeks. Please check the 2.5pH water by smelling it, if it smells like chlorine, it is still effective. You can check the 11.5pH water by using it to emulsify sesame oil; if it emulsifies the oil, it is still effective.

Time, heat, light, movement, and oxygen degrade the properties of these waters. For maximum shelf life, please store this water in a fully sealed dark container and minimize movement.

Enagic's SD501 unit produces water with seven different pH levels.

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